Sample Letter to Friends, Family and Colleagues

Many of my clients struggle with situations in which they find themselves having to refuse or resist sweets all around them as they try cut sugar out of their diets for good. This can be hard and awkward for them and can feel like a strain on relationships. I wrote up this sample letter that you can modify to letter writingmeet your needs if you find yourself in the same situation. Imagine if everyone sent out a similar letter – we could change the culture!

Dear friends, family and colleagues,

I’m so thankful for the ways that you have shown me love over the years. For some of you, one of these ways was sharing food you loved with me, including special desserts. Unfortunately, my health and weight have brought me to make the decision to stay away from sweets most of the time going forward. To be clear, I’m not going on a diet. I’m changing the way I eat for life, to ensure my health and longevity. This is very important to me, so I want to share it with you so that you can best support me in my goals.

Going forward, I want to suggest some other ways that you could share your love with me and support me in my efforts. If you’re wanting to give me something sweet or share something sweet for a potluck or a family gathering, fresh fruit would be awesome. I’m also open to eating desserts that do not have added sugar. Some alternative sweeteners that work for me are xylitol (replaces sugar 1:1), Steevia, erythritol, and monk fruit extract. And of course this doesn’t mean that you can’t bring regular desserts for other people to eat. I just don’t want you to be offended if you don’t see me partaking.

And another way that you could support me is by not offering traditional sweets or desserts to me, as it currently is a difficult temptation for me. Another way you could support me is by hiding any sweets or candy that you typically keep out on your desk or in your home when I’m visiting. Or if you have leftover sweets, it would make it much easier for me if you didn’t leave them uncovered in a public place or announce their existence over group emails. I’m guessing I’m probably not the only one trying to cut back on sweets!

Thank you for your support in my health efforts! ​