Anxiety and the Gut: Evidence-Based Interventions to Calm the Mind
There is a direct connection between gut health and mental health. Learn how the food you eat and supplements you take can impact anxiety and calm your mind with Camila Smith, LCSW, DHSc, licensed psychotherapist, anxiety expert and Chief Clinical Officer at bekome, a mental wellness supplement company and sponsor of this podcast.
Lindsey Parsons, your host, helps clients solve gut issues and reverse autoimmune disease naturally. Take her quiz to see which stool or functional medicine test will help you find out what’s wrong. She’s a Certified Health Coach at High Desert Health in Tucson, Arizona. She coaches clients locally and nationwide. You can also follow Lindsey on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest or reach her via email at lindsey@highdeserthealthcoaching.com to set up a free 30-minute Gut Healing Breakthrough Session.
Links Mentioned in the Show
Peace of Mind Daily Packs (use discount code LINDSEY30 for 30% off 7 and 14-day trial packs (which include a 15-minute consultation), and 28-day pack, your best value as it includes a personalized 30-minute consultation in addition to the 15-minute one)
bekome: Healing Anxiety Through Nutrition webinar
Lindsey’s Links
Lindsey’s quiz on which stool or functional medicine test will get to the root cause of your gut health problems
Free, 30-minute Gut Healing Breakthrough Session
Individual Consultation with Lindsey
Support the podcast by shopping at:
Lindsey’s Fullscript Dispensary*
iHerb* (available worldwide)
Quiz: Which Gut Health Test Should I Choose?
Schedule a Free, 30-minute Gut Healing Breakthrough Session with Lindsey
Schedule an Individual Consultation with Lindsey
Lindsey’s Gut Healing Facebook Group
Gut Health Tests and Recommended Supplements
Gut Health Coaching with Lindsey
Autoimmune Disease Reversal Coaching with Lindsey
Health Coaching with Lindsey (for weight loss, etc.)
Lindsey Parsons’ web site: High Desert Health and lindsey@highdeserthealthcoaching.com
High Desert Health on Facebook
The Perfect Stool on Tiktok
High Desert Health on Instagram or @high.desert.health
High Desert Health on Twitter or @HDesertHealth
High Desert Health on Pinterest
The Perfect Stool YouTube Channel
Support the podcast as a monthly patron on Patreon.
Thank you to SoundDot for the music on the podcast: Royalty Free Music.
*Product, test and dispensary links are affiliate links for which I’ll receive a commission. Thanks for your support of the podcast by using these links.