Health Coaching

What is health coaching?

Are you totally confused about what really is healthy because there is so much contradictory information on the internet?

Have you been yoyo dieting your whole life and can’t figure out how to lose weight and keep it off?

Have you been struggling with a gut health issue that has impacted your quality of life and haven’t gotten anywhere with traditional doctors?

Have you developed an autoimmune condition that is seriously starting to impact your health and way of life and you want to turn it around and/or get off immunosuppresive drugs that have bad side effects?

Have you developed type 2 diabetes and are wondering what to do, whether you have the will power to do it, or if you have to start fasting on a regular, permanent basis or doing the ketogenic diet just to reverse it?

Have you suffered from a heart attack, stroke or other major wake up call and don’t know where to start or how important diet really is?

Has your doctor or a nutritionist handed you a sheet with major diet changes and you don’t know how to start or can’t develop the motivation to do so?

Health coaching is a service. Like all services (like house cleaning, therapy, massage, personal training, etc.) you invest in health coaching because you believe it can provide something that you can’t or don’t want to do by yourself, or that you keep putting off so that it never seems to happen.

As a health coach, I bring:

-the knowledge to know how to help you

-the right system of how to inspire you to make slow but steady changes

-the right support of encouragement and resources to make change easier and

-the right accountability over an extended period of time (usually lasting 1 hour a week for 12 weeks) to help you transform your health and your body—for good.

You may come to me thinking you’re just came to lose weight, but you will likely gain much more:

-someone who spends a full hour each time you see me listening intently, taking notes, and hearing you the way a doctor may never have

-someone who spends hours researching your health issues to uncover any possible route causes and evidence-based treatments so I can best serve you

-someone who fully shares and educates you on your options around your health and how to take control of it yourself

-valuable education and advice on nutrition, gut health, autoimmune health, stress reduction, movement and how to increase your longevity

-insight into possible food sensitivities that may be impacting your health

-insight into possible vitamin or mineral deficiencies that may explain your unexplained symptoms

-help solving your medical mystery questions

Who benefits from this work?

Health coaching is the perfect solution for you if have a budget to invest in personal services, you haven’t been able to transform your habits on your own, and you want to find a long-term, sustainable solution for your health and weight issues.

So if you’re ready to . . .

  • Uncover what’s been stopping you, slowing you down or keeping you from losing weight and keeping it off or reversing your health condition
  • Develop a powerful vision for what good health or weight loss looks like for you and for your life
  • Discover which foods and lifestyle habits are keeping you sick or keeping weight on…and what to do about it
  • Get crystal clear on a step-by-step plan to successfully restore yourself to good health and/or lose weight and keep it off for good

Set up a free 30-minute Breakthrough Session

I offer this as a free gift to all comers, and I promise you will have at least one big insight into what’s been holding you back and how to move forward, with my help or on your own. If you have questions before scheduling, you can also email or call me (520-276-9230‬) to set up a session or ask more questions.

Schedule a Breakthrough Session Now