The Perfect Stool: Understanding and Healing the Gut Microbiome – Episode 52 Show Notes

Episode 52 The Perfect Stool

Peptides, Recurrent SIBO and Parietal Cell Antibodies with Dr. Miles Nichols

Set up a free, 30-minute Gut Healing Breakthrough Session with Lindsey to discuss your gut health issues and hear about my 5-appointment gut health coaching program. Set up an individual, 1-hour consultation here.

Listen to Episode 52

Did you know peptides can help you shortcut the body’s healing processes? These specific chains of amino acids repair the body and help heal a whole host of conditions like gastritis, IBD and autoimmune diseases. Hear Dr. Miles Nichols explore peptides as well as discuss recurrent SIBO and its connection to sinus infections, Hashimoto’s and parietal cell antibodies and more on The Perfect Stool Podcast with host Lindsey Parsons, EdD. 

Lindsey Parsons, your host, helps clients solve gut issues and reverse autoimmune disease naturally. She’s a Certified Health Coach at High Desert Health in Tucson, Arizona. She coaches clients locally and nationwide. You can also follow Lindsey on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest or reach her via email at to set up a free 30-minute Gut Healing Breakthrough Session.

Links Mentioned in the Show

Medicine with Heart Clinic

Medicine with Heart Institute

ION Biome*

Betaine HCI*

ibssmart, the test for IBS

Buteyko Breathing

Oxygen Advantage

Wim Hof Method of Breathing

BPC-157* sold by InfiniWell (formerly Taylor Made Health)

Lindsey’s Links

Lindsey’s quiz on which stool or functional medicine test will get to the root cause of your gut health problems

Free, 30-minute Gut Healing Breakthrough Session

Individual Consultation with Lindsey

Support the podcast by shopping at: 

Lindsey’s Fullscript Dispensary

Bulk Supplements*


Quiz: Which Gut Health Test Should I Choose?

Schedule a Free, 30-minute Gut Healing Breakthrough Session with Lindsey

Schedule an Individual Consultation with Lindsey

Lindsey’s Gut Healing Facebook Group

Gut Health Tests and Recommended Supplements

Gut Health Coaching with Lindsey

Autoimmune Disease Reversal Coaching with Lindsey

Health Coaching with Lindsey (for weight loss, etc.)

Lindsey Parsons’ web site: High Desert Health and

High Desert Health on Facebook

The Perfect Stool on Tiktok

High Desert Health on Instagram or

High Desert Health on Twitter or @HDesertHealth

High Desert Health on Pinterest

The Perfect Stool YouTube Channel

Support the podcast as a monthly patron on Patreon.


Thank you to SoundDot for the music on the podcast: Royalty Free Music

*Product links are affiliate links for which I’ll receive a commission. Thanks for your support of the podcast by using these links.