I found Lindsey, by chance I think not, while searching for a podcast on functional medicine. I came across her’s. You know did the usual scrolled over a few episodes and found one talking about gut health. While listening, I went to her website scrolled some more seeing if I could find some more answers. In truth I was hoping she was the person to help me.
Fast forward through me scrolling and hesitating, I booked an initial session with Lindsey and was completely impressed by the depth of her knowledge, assessment and confidence with her answers and solutions for the next steps.
See I had worked with a previous practitioners who had a fraction of Lindsey’s knowledge/expertise. And while grateful for my TCM practitioners, they were never able to get to the root cause of my GI (diarrhea, constipation) and skin problems (eczema, hives, etc). With Lindsey’s help and doing a repeat GI-MAP resulted in being diagnosed with SIBO (sulfur type) causing big time gut dysbiosis.
I had been suffering with this for about 7 years!
I was totally relieved and encouraged by LIndsey’s protocols and the speed with which I started to feel better and see my symptoms improve (2 weeks). Getting my energy back, hair less brittle, skin softening, less hives and rashes, losing 5 pounds without trying. These results from connecting with Lindsey and trusting her process and protocols.
With the help of Lindsey, I’ve decreased the bio burden and inflammation my body was dealing with.
I have BIG gratitude for Lindsey!
If you’re reading this and thinking about, don’t wait any longer. Drop her a line, get connected and start your healing journey.
Shannon W.
I contacted Lindsey after experiencing persistent gut issues (with related symptoms such as brain fog, fatigue, mind/gut disconnect, culminating into feelings of depression that I’d never experienced) for a couple of months straight, with no sign of improvement, an increasing feeling of helplessness and disappointment that I couldn’t help myself. I consider myself a pretty healthy and active person, so I was baffled how this happened to me! After seeing a traditional GI Doc who ran a stool test that tested for one thing, a colonoscopy, and endoscopy, I came away with a diagnosis with a suggested treatment of steroids. I knew I had to do better (I know it’s effective for many, but I was hoping for a less pharmaceutical intervention) and that’s when I initially sought out help in the form of gut-related podcasts, which brought me to The Perfect Stool. I added Lindsey’s podcast to my slew of health podcasts, mainly related to functional medicine. After learning she offered health coaching services, I decided to reach out. After she determined she thought she could help me, I signed up for a 3-meeting package that would include some diagnostic tests and follow-up with lifestyle and diet modifications as well as introducing specific supplements as appropriate.
We started with the GI Map, which was an incredibly comprehensive diagnostic test to drill down to my main issues (a stark difference to the GI doc-recommended stool test to test for one thing). After her analysis of that test, I embarked on a restrictive 6-week diet that she equipped me with, including resources to help make my journey doable. After all, I was experiencing such brain fog and fatigue, it could have easily been too overwhelming to even start if I had to think too much. She made it easy. We added in some important supplements that I was deficient in (after running a blood test for a couple of key nutrients that she suspected I might be low on, which sure enough, I was) as well as supplements appropriately targeted to my gut. After our first 2 meetings and completion of the gut-correcting diet, my bowel movements returned to normal. I remember the exact date. February 24th, after 4 straight months of my world being turned upside down. It was truly a miracle.
I was still a bit nervous that my symptoms would return in the form of a flare-up, and indeed I had one a few months later; however, with my new knowledge of my body and the arsenal of resources, supplements, and dietary changes I made with Lindsey’s expertise, the flare-up didn’t have a chance and it hasn’t tried to return since. In June, it’ll be one whole year of a normally healthy-functioning gut. I’m so thankful that her functional approach to my symptoms allowed her investigation to lead to the root cause of my gut problems. I’ve been doing so well that I forgot to book my 3rd meeting with her, which is about the greatest result I can think of! Lindsey was reliable, honest, supportive, and most of all, knowledgeable. The combination of these things has allowed me to return to normal life and I’m so grateful!
Glenna B.

I had been struggling with various undiagnosed/subclinical health issues for about 7-8 years without much help. Debilitating panic attacks, difficulty in eating even whole foods, and a constantly changing list of symptoms. Allopathic doctors (Gastroenterologists, Immunologists, Rheumatologists, and more) helped little. Either it was another doctor’s problem or I was healthy and should come back in 6 months. I have been in therapy with multiple clinicians for 7+ years. I have done hasty research and
desperately taken supplements based on spurious anecdotal evidence, thankfully most of which were benign or positive. I have tracked my meals daily, tried every diet I could manage, and seen nutritionists/DOs/functional medicine doctors without a lot of tangible help. At the end of the day, I was investing a lot of money in my health without a lot of relief. During one of the lowest points in my life, I reached out to Lindsey for aid. I had been going through her catalog of podcast episodes and felt she might have the experience and “outside the standard model” knowledge to help me. It didn’t take long until I was on a protocol and was headed in the right direction. In a year’s time, my bloating and discomfort with eating is almost entirely gone. I am able to incorporate more foods including dairy, beans, other vegetables, and more. The metaphorical minefield of a restaurant’s menu became a lot safer. Lindsey was able to improve my quality of life and teach me how to keep it there. Our sessions felt like what a doctor was fabled to be in a time since past. We had a dedicated bracket of time where we could dig down into my symptoms in search of a resolution. She listened to my explanations, asked questions, and allowed me to suggest other treatments without patronizing me or rushing out. She took ownership of my concerns and didn’t discard me to a specialist. I greatly appreciate all the help she’s provided me and expect to use her services on the remaining symptoms in the future. If our standard health care incorporated this level of time, effort, and expertise, we’d all be healthier people.
John W.
Lindsey Parsons was a real hero for me! I had increasingly difficult issues with digestion for a few years and after doing some research I discovered her podcast and website that dug deep into the heart of my issue. After our initial consultation, I was excited to know I finally found someone with the patience, knowledge and curiosity needed to tackle such an intimate issue head on! Over the course of 9 months we trialed some new modalities that really helped with my issues, and I started seeing results within a matter of weeks.
Lindsey is not only an inquisitive health professional, but she is dedicated to finding solutions that are more nuanced and more clever than the simple fast acts you read about online. I’m grateful to Lindsey for empowering me in my quest for a better quality of life, and I’m grateful to her for giving me the tools to tackle my issues with the patience and perseverance gut health requires!
Zak N.
I found Lindsey after learning about and listening to her podcast over three years ago. I was very sick, entrenched in an Ulcerative Colitis flare that had set my health back. I had severe diarrhea, bleeding, anemia and had lost over 25 lbs. I was having frequent trips to the bathroom at night and experiencing night sweats. I was relieved after speaking to Lindsey because I knew that we would work together to find the right supplements and testing to support my overall health, in order to start to heal my colitis.
Lindsey is very committed to her clients. She is very thorough in her calls and uses treatments backed by studies. She is knowledgeable about using the correct types of supplements and which lab tests to do. I could not commit financially to all of the recommendations to its full extent and Lindsey was understanding of this and helped me choose the right course in line with my economic situation. With her support and after several appointments and labs, I am no longer suffering like I did a few years ago. Blood has reduced dramatically and I no longer have diarrhea. I am happy to report that all my blood tests, iron and vitamin D were all at normal levels during my last physician’s visit one month ago.
One of the things I have learned about my disease is that stress plays a very large role. I now know that a very stressful time in my life around 5 years ago is what flared up my colitis again. Now, especially as a mom and a teacher, I have to prioritize my needs in order to reduce stress throughout the day. I have also learned I am an emotional eater. This need has led me to seek additional support, like yoga, breath work, therapy and an emotional healing program. There is still work to do and my colitis journey will be with me throughout my life. However, I am learning more about my disease, its management everyday and Lindsey helped bring me to this point. I am grateful for Lindsey!
Allison A.
I had been dealing with some skin rashes and irregular bowel movements when I first met with Lindsey. At that point, I had already visited a few local naturopath doctors, but I was still left with no answers. I came across Lindsey and her podcast when I was running around on the web, struggling to find answers. I was hesitant to meet with her at first because I have never worked with anyone outside of my geographical region. However, just from the brief meet and greet, we saw that we were a great fit and she was confident that she could help me. She is very knowledgeable and well-experienced. We went over various test results, such as stool tests and blood tests, and she was able to educate me about a treatment protocol to help me heal. She is thorough, attentive, and understanding. Throughout my healing journey, whenever I had questions I would ask her via email, and she was always welcoming as she provided me with her advice and answers. She would educate me on other treatment protocols when necessary if things weren’t going as planned. Thanks to her, I was able to find answers and treat my conditions. Thank you, Lindsey!
Kevin K.
After decades of “early to bed and early to rise”, I had structured daily routines and activities, but then I slipped into retirement and forgot how to manage my health. Weight gain, poor digestion, bloating, and sleep issues drove me to consider professional input. Lindsey Parsons spoke to my husband’s Rotary Club; he suggested I contact her. I am so thankful that I contacted Lindsey because she listened, had great food substitutions, time management tricks along with testing that turned my days inside out, in the very best way. Lindsey helped me retool many aspects of my daily life. The test she offered gave guidance for body needs and correcting supplements.
IF you are having any gut issues, eating issues, weight loss concerns, time management, nutrition questions, healthy food substitutions, supplements, interest in avoiding GMO/bioengineered products then Lindsey Parsons is definitely worth her salt. She held me accountable and encouraged me to make changes one day at a time. My concerns about weight loss became secondary to the overall health changes she suggested. I will continue to sing her praises for helping me fine tune my lifestyle and improve my health, which has positively impacted my entire family. I am very grateful.
Lucy M.
I started off a new year by making a promise to myself that I would figure out my digestive issues that had been plaguing me for the better part of a decade. After diving in and doing some homework, I ended up finding Lindsey through her podcast and ultimately booked a Breakthrough Session with her. From this short conversation, I already felt confident that Lindsey would be able to at least point me in the right direction if not solve my issue. After just a couple phone calls, she was able to determine that I was likely experiencing a basic case of SIBO and educated me about a series of supplements to kill off and eliminate the bacteria from my gut. Within a few weeks I was already seeing positive results and after the full supplement duration I felt like the issue truly was solved. I couldn’t be happier with how painless and simple Lindsey made the process, and I think the results are a testament to the fact that she knows her stuff when it comes to gut health.
Colin E.
I had my first virtual call with Lindsey, I told her she was a miracle worker – and she hadn’t done any work with me yet! I had indeed listened to just about every episode on her Podcast “The Perfect Stool” and knew she had knowledge and capabilities that most Western Medicine Dr.’s didn’t. And I was right…fast forward a few months and my H-Pylori is completely gone!
My story goes like this: I’m a 30 something, very healthy, non-strict vegan-ish, Gluten free woman who lives a very active lifestyle. I started having severe diarrhea on April 1st 2021. Completely out of the blue and it was happening daily. I didn’t get too worried at first, because I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease back in 2015 – just assumed I had eaten something that was accidentally cross contaminated with Gluten. A couple months later I was still having the dreaded loose stool. After months of trying to figure it out on my own, I begrudgingly went to see my Primary. I didn’t have high hopes that they would a) know was wrong with me and b) wouldn’t know what to do to figure out what was wrong with me. Sure enough, she referred me to a Gastroenterologist. I swiftly threw the referral paper into the trash – a colonoscopy was last resort!!
At this point, I had already been listening to a couple functional medicine/gut health podcasts. I did some research and found out that I could book an appointment with Lindsey for a consultation. I was willing to pay out of pocket for someone who knows what they’re doing and can handle the issues somewhat quickly [her own gut health story and her podcast gave me all the trust in the world]. Plus, I’m not one to take medicine or antibiotics unnecessarily and didn’t want to be bounced around from doctor to doctor. During our consult, she mentioned that she thought this was likely not a difficult case to solve because I wasn’t having any other symptoms (no headaches, very light, if not any stomach pain, no changes in my mood, no lack of energy, etc.). She knew pretty much right away what we needed to do.
Lindsey had me order a stool test called ‘GI Map’ on my own (as it would not be covered by insurance – I did ask my primary if she could order this for me and she refused. Still confused about this – they must not make any money off it?). I took the test, got my results back a week or so later and then set up another call with Lindsey. She went over every line item with me (half the stuff I didn’t understand) but the results were exactly what she had thought – H-Pylori. [Tip-have a pen handy to take as many notes as possible during your calls]. She was spot on! In the meantime, before test results came back, she had told me about the low FODMAP diet (low fiber) to try and get me some relief – I felt SO much better.
She then educated me about supplements to help with H. Pylori, which I took. Once complete, she instructed me to order a stool antigen test, this time, through my primary [it was covered by insurance]. The nurse who saw me that day wanted to know why I needed the test and I told her I was on a 2 month supplement plan to cure H-Pylori. She asked which supplements I was taking and ask that I list them for her – she said “if this worked, I’ll need to look into this!” It was surely the first time she’s heard of anyone curing H-Pylori without antibiotics!
The stool test came back negative for H-Pylori! My stool has hardened up and I felt no symptoms of the pesky infection!
Lindsey has been like any other “doctor” I’ve had – she checks in on me via email to see how I’m doing. She’s quick to answer any questions or follow up issues I may be having [been dealing with some extreme bloating and she’s trying to solve this for me as well]. She even sent me a Christmas card! It really means the world when someone who is working on your health, TRULY cares about you!
Lindsey-you are a miracle worker, I thank you for everything you’ve done for me and I hope you continue to make major changes in many people’s lives with your functional med and holistic ways!
Merideth M.
As a middle-aged woman, I exercised daily, drank plenty of water and did my best to eat healthy every day. I knew there had to be a reason my body wasn’t functioning well.
For over 4 years I suffered daily with digestion and IBS-C problems. After more than 2 years of trying to manage the daily discomfort, I finally reached out to my doctor for help. Over a 2½ year period, the specialist ordered a variety of tests: 2 colonoscopies, an upper GI endoscopy, an ultra sound, 2 cat scans and none revealed a diagnosis. I was offered a prescription to help the belly pain, bloating and constipation. I wanted a diagnosis.
During this time my elderly Mom became terminally ill, and I was involved in her care at home with Hospice, along with a full-time professional career. The additional stress heightened my problem.
Totally frustrated, I begin searching the internet and podcasts for answers. This is when I had the good fortune to come across holistic healing experts for my gut problems. Through this search I found “The Perfect Stool” podcast by Lindsey Parsons founder of highdeserthealthcoaching.com.
I tuned in intently to understand as much as I could. The holistic professionals and doctors used terminology I didn’t fully understand. It was reassuring to know there were others suffering with the same conditions that traditional medicine was unable to address.
It took six months of listening and research before I took a huge step and contacted Lindsey for a 1-hour free session. She assured me she could help with my issues and told me we could find a diagnosis. I was a half believer as the medical community who had helped me heal my body with other health problems previously could not help.
Lindsey recommended two tests: the GI Map and the OAT (Organic Acids Test). These tests FINALLY gave me a diagnosis. I was tearful when I learned what the underlying problems were.
Over the next 5 months Lindsey as directed me and supported me every step along the way to a healthy gut microbiome, she was always quick to address questions or problems.
If you are suffering with an unhealthy gut microbiome, digestion, bowel, bloating, acid reflux – DO NOT HESITATE as I did. Consider yourself fortunate to know about a health professional like Lindsey Parsons and invest the time and money to get well.
My only regret is I wish I had hired Lindsey sooner . . . it feels terrific to have a healthy body! You are worth it – jump in!!
Ann Marie Y.
Lindsey is the best. When I came to her, I had been through treatment for H. Pylori and triple antibiotic therapy, but was still experiencing terrible acid reflux with nausea, sometimes accompanied by severe migraines, an almost physical anxiety with pressure in my chest and brain fog, which was sometimes so bad I had to go to the urgent care. This had been happening for many years. I also had what looked like oral thrush on my tongue, acne, frequent canker sores, constipation, fatigue and had been losing weight uncontrollably. And I stopped eating gluten, dairy and all fruit because I would get hives. Lindsey first educated me on a product to help with constipation that was very helpful, gave me strategies to help put on weight and recommended I order the Organic Acids Test. When we got the results, she really explained to me what was going on in my body, with yeast overgrowth and detoxification issues leading to excess ammonia in my bloodstream, causing the symptoms I was experiencing. She educated me on supplements that would help with my issues, then as I started them and was having really bad die-off symptoms we emailed back and forth and she was there to support me through that. Now 5 weeks into taking them, I’m feeling so good. I haven’t had a migraine in 4 weeks, my appetite has come back, my anxiety is down 80% I’ve put on 8 pounds, I can play 18 holes of golf and still have energy to do more afterwards, my reflux is down about 75%, the pain in my small intestine has gone away, my tongue is almost clear, I haven’t had a canker sore and I can eat 4 bananas in a day without trouble! And I was able to go out for my anniversary and ate bread and cheese and nothing happened. I’m so thankful to Lindsey for helping me recover my health and excited for even more improvements as we continue to work together.
Alfredo K.
Heather T.
Lindsey’s program helped me in many ways to learn and establish a healthier living and particularly a healthier diet. Her wonderful guidance and education, her dedication, and her advice for me personally but also for my family through the 12 week program transformed our eating habits away from high-sugar content foods to low and medium sugar content foods. Just the simple change in diet, being aware of which produce have high sugar content, avoiding food with all the added and processed sugar, and assigned weekly mental and physical exercises, made a big change in my body: I lost belly fat and my blood work results (mainly blood sugar and cholesterol) improved in those 12 weeks while still enjoying yummy food! The recipes she shared were all delicious and easy to incorporate in our weekly food plan. All of them are now an essential part of our weekly food and cooking plan. Lindsey made me accountable and empowered me to make those changes a part of my new daily life. All the advice and little but powerful changes she suggested through this journey led to a positive and lasting impression….and this wonderful journey continues! Thank you, Lindsey.
Georg H.
I am so grateful to Lindsey for helping me get healthy! After I was diagnosed with diabetes, Lindsey worked with me to lower my A1C, cholesterol and weight. After 12 weeks my A1C dropped from 6.6% to 5.7% [from diabetic to the lowest end of prediabetic], my total cholesterol went from 255 to 200, and I lost 14 pounds. Lindsey gave me a solid plan to follow and connected with me each week to keep me accountable and coach me through changes in diet, exercise and attitude. Now that I am finished with my sessions, I also have a plan to continue my healthy habits for the future.
Karen A.
Lindsey Parsons is punctual. When we had an in-person meeting, she was prepared and there at the appointed time. When we had a phone meeting at 10:30 and my phone rang at 10:30, it was Lindsey. And she followed through on anything she said she would do, such as analyzing my sleep efficiency or reviewing my food diary, usually that day or certainly by the next. And, if something came up that she didn’t have the immediate answer for, she researched it and got back to me.
She listened to my wishes and obstacles and adapted her suggestions to help me reach the goals I set. She suggested some changes to my diet and showed me how to cook one of them. I just didn’t want to spend as much effort cooking so she suggested ways to make preparation faster and easier for me. And then, by the next day, she had gone shopping and sent me photos of foods that I would be more likely to use and where to get them!
Lindsey also had the experience and knowledge to back up what she suggested I change or do. She explained the science or reasoning behind what she suggested. And, if she didn’t know about something, she told me that, and then looked it up.
I became aware of Lindsey Parson’s service as a Health Coach during a presentation at my Rotary Club. I wanted to lose weight, but the one point she made that led me to contact her was that she thought she would be able to provide something that I couldn’t or didn’t want to do myself. If I could have lost weight on my own, I would have already done it. I have been losing weight (20 pounds since I started with Lindsey even with taking a 3-week cruise in the middle and gaining back 10 pounds during that time), but an additional, unexpected, side benefit is that, by going off dairy at Lindsey’s suggestion, I greatly lessened post-nasal drip that was causing a frequent cough and also decreased my acid reflux.
By having an appointment each week, I had to get past the inaction of a general wistfulness for wanting to lose weight. I now had a specific time to begin doing something about it. Also, I just didn’t know how to lose weight other than an intent to eat less. Lindsey provided the information I needed to make useful changes. Without her, for example, I wouldn’t have known that the fat and oil in avocados would make replacing the short-term effect of items with added sugar so much easier! And leaving each weekly appointment with a clear, concrete plan for the next week of not only the changes to make, but how to make them, was crucial.
Thanks, Lindsey.
Myron D.
I’m still in the early stages of working with Lindsey now, but she’s already helped me tremendously and I feel on the right path of healing. She saw some underlying issues in my lab work and has ordered specific lab tests I’ve never heard of, which I’m sure will demystify many of my lingering issues. I’ll edit this at a later date when I reach my goals. I’m feeling more optimistic than ever that with Lindsey’s expert guidance, I too will be able to heal from autoimmune disease.
Lisa T.
I’d gained 30 pounds over the last 7 years and the birth of my 3 children. I still looked pregnant, didn’t have a good body image and felt self-conscious. I’d also adopted some bad eating habits and while I lost a little weight on my own, some of it had quickly come back. With Lindsey’s help and accountability, I lost 14 pounds in the first 10 weeks! Having Lindsey introduce small changes each week over time really added up and made it much more manageable. My eating habits have improved, including cutting out evening snacks and alcohol, eating more slowing, having a healthy breakfast, and cutting out added sugars (except for special occasions) and I feel confident I can keep up the changes we’ve made. My belly fat has gone down, I have so much more energy and am crawling around and playing more with my kids, I feel much better in the mornings and I can wear old outfits I had grown out of. I also feel like I’ve developed a much more mindful life: I feel calmer, have more patience with my family and am less reactive now. I started out a little skeptical that this would work, but I’ve really appreciated this journey with Lindsey.
Emily M.
Over the course of about a year, I had started gaining weight gradually and my hair started falling out in a noticeable way. I had been hypothyroid for many years and on medication with TSH within normal reference ranges, but I knew something was out of whack. I had already been eating what I thought was a healthy diet so I didn’t quite know what to do at that point. Lindsey helped me recognize where my lab work was within the reference range, but not within the optimal range and pointed me to testing for antibodies so that I finally understood the cause of my hypothyroidism: Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Within three weeks of starting the diet changes Lindsey recommended, my hair stopped falling out. As we cut out potentially sensitive foods and sugar, Lindsey helped me find recipes and replacements for the things I loved, and got me into healthier eating habits. I can now just take a few bites of a dessert and not overdo it. Over the course of our time working together, Lindsey helped me identify my food sensitivities and an infection that may have been root causes of my Hashimoto’s and educated me on supplements and lifestyle changes to help reverse the damage to my thyroid. I’ve lost 30 pounds so far, can fit into my skinny jeans again and am feeling much more confident. Someone at a meeting told me “You look fabulous”. That made my day. As an unexpected but added bonus, the depth probes on my teeth at the dentist all returned to normal, reflecting a decrease in inflammation. I really appreciated how Lindsey helped me identify and get at the root causes of my health issues and weight gain and supported me and kept me accountable over the time it took to make these changes. Lindsey’s help holding me accountable and keeping me motivated really made a difference. Thank you Lindsey!
Martha D.
Lindsey presented her program about kicking the sugar habit for our club and I decided right then and there that I wanted to get the sugar “demon” out of my life. With her help and guidance, since February, 2019, I have lost 10 solid pounds and just about 4 inches off my waist among other places. I am almost down two sizes. On top of that I have more of an appreciation of vegetables and their importance in my diet. Lindsey helped me get my cholesterol down to healthy levels. I highly recommend Lindsey’s program because she really cared about my health and with her coaching and handouts and knowledge of the workings of our bodies, I feel like I have done something good for my body and well being. Thank you Lindsey.
Anita M.
I came to Lindsey for health coaching when my weight and body fat percentages began steadily creeping up. At age 43, I wanted to take charge of the increased fat around my waist – despite going to the gym and a decent diet (so I thought). We started by setting goals and Lindsey led me through a gradual reduction in both added and natural sugars in my diet over the first several weeks. Through her education, I learned of the hidden sugars in my diet. We addressed weekly topics and included discussions regarding what and how I ate, my exercise regimen, and stress management. After our 10th weekly video call, I had my measurements taken during a personal training session. My weight decreased by 10 pounds, and my body fat percentage dropped from 25.3% to 22.7%. My clothes fit much better! The best part is my comfort level in knowing how to maintain the changes we’ve made. I have very much appreciated Lindsey’s patience and diligence in sticking with me no matter my mood or whether I followed through on all her advice. She pursued solutions to my challenges with me, persisting until we found something that worked. My decision to retain Lindsey and dedicate myself to her guidance proved to be a very good one. Thank you Lindsey!
Audrey L.
I was about 2 months out before my wedding day. I was struggling with body image issues and cycling between binge eating and starving myself. I initially met Lindsey through a small group but very quickly was met with the passion she had for health coaching. After we decided for her to be my health coach I was able to walk with her week by week and discuss the different aspects of not just eating right and exercising but going through the mental spaces I’m in when I’m choosing what I eat and what I do with my time. Lindsey changed not only my weight (I felt great for my wedding day) but my relationship with food and the way I felt about my body. I highly recommend just a conversation to start, to see if this works for you!
Linda P.
When I started working with Lindsey, I was struggling with not having a regular fitness routine, feeling overweight and not happy with my appearance, not cooking very much and often making poor food choices. I wasn’t making or following through on goals for my health.
Since working with Lindsey, I have established a regular exercise routine and I feel so much more strong and energetic and have a much more positive outlook. I see my energy and positive outlook building so that I feel like I can accomplish what I want in the future. I’ve dropped a few pounds and look forward to losing more, but my negative body self-image has become such a small issue, and I’m confident that my weight issue will take care of itself over time. I’m cooking at home more, I have much better awareness of how much I’m eating and my physical sensations of hunger and fullness, and feel like I have a safety net of good habits where before I was kind of flailing around. Lindsey’s holistic and mindful approach to eating, exercise and healthy living hit all the right buttons for me and I highly recommend her as a health coach!
Karen D.
When I first met Lindsey, I was under lots of personal and family stress. I was suffering from the side effects of my antidepressant treatment, slowly putting on weight and unable to get rid of chronic constipation. I needed some advice and took the opportunity to do something for myself.
Lindsey was patient and sweet. She listened to me, helped me realize which decisions could be made and deal with things one by one. Food, exercise, pain, balance, motivations… We went methodically through every aspect of my health. It was very important on a personal level but I also wanted to take better care of my family. She gave me ideas and recipes. I learned to make better choices in grocery shopping and meal planning (for the whole family, and so far nobody complains).
I slowly but regularly lost weight, building better habits and observing the results. I lost over 6 pounds and I feel ready to keep up the good work. I’m thankful for Lindsey’s help. It’s so good to have someone you trust and to receive personalized advice!
Laure Q.
When I started working with Lindsey, I was extremely skeptical that she could do anything to help me but thought, “what do I have to lose?” It has been a true emotional journey. What I appreciated most was her realistic approach to everyday life circumstances and situations and the persistent and consistent accountability she provided. On the outside I appeared to “have it all together,” super fit, single mom raising 2 grown boys, a very active social life, and great job. But inside I was feeling depressed and lonely and lost. Lindsey helped me to focus on 1 or 2 goals at a time, and as I started to see myself succeeding in those things I was motivated to set myself up to achieve goals in other areas of my life. For me life just seemed to keep getting in the way of me reaching my goals. Lindsey was always there, every week to help me recognize and celebrate the wins and have a new approach to overcoming the challenges. I continue to work with Lindsey. It is extremely important to have an accountability partner who is not going to just tell me what you want to hear but remind me of who I want to be, and she helps me to take the big and small steps to get me closer to my ultimate goals. Thank you, Lindsey. You are amazing.
Belinda W.