I know this is a scary time for lots of people who are concerned about their health or concerned about loved ones who are older, immunocompromised or in otherwise fragile health. My parents are in their late 70’s and I’m definitely concerned for them.
To help alleviate my concern and give all of our bodies some tools for preventing and fighting viral infections, I ordered myself and my parents these herbal medications. I wanted to share them with all of you too so you could protect yourselves and your loved ones.
If you’d like to see the white papers describing the scientific evidence backing up the Biocidin/Olivirex products, I can send you those – just send me an email. Here are a couple of studies on monolaurin, the active ingredient in Lauricidin: In Vitro Effects of Monolaurin Compounds on Enveloped RNA And DNA Viruses and Effect of antimicrobial factors in human milk on rhinoviruses and milk-borne cytomegalovirus in vitro.
Disclaimer: None of the statements below have been evaluated by the FDA; some of the links are to my affiliate accounts for these products/Fullscript dispensary for which I receive affiliate commissions.
Antiviral Throat and Nose Spray Options (prevention while going out or also for use if infected)
Biocidin Throat Spray (available in my Fullscript Dispensary – you have to set up an account to order – or buy from Bio-Botanical Research directly but do compare prices!) A great throat spray to stop sore throats in their tracks, kill viruses and bacteria and increase secretory IgA (your antibodies in mucus-lined parts of your body that kill invading pathogens).
Beekeeper’s Naturals Propolis Throat Spray – an alternative throat spray option. This is the antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal substance bees make and use to line the interior of their hives.
Biocidin Nasal Spray – you have to make this yourself using Biocidin Broad Spectrum Liquid Formula or Biocidin LSF Liposomal Formula Liquid available from my Fullscript Dispensary. Add 8-12 drops of Biocidin Broad Spectrum Liquid or 1-2 pumps Biocidin LSF to a 1 oz bottle prepared saline solution nasal spray (some common drugstore brands have removable tops or you can pry the top off with pliers). Use several times a day until improvement is seen or as a preventative/post-contamination or while going out. Good for sinus infections too and sinus infections post dental surgery on upper teeth.
Immune Supportive and Antiviral Supplements
Biocidin LSF Liposomal Formula Liquid – antiviral herbal combo supplement – available from my Fullscript Dispensary. If you’re well now, titrate up slowly per the instructions included and stop if you have any die-off (Herxheimer) reactions until they’ve passed (sudden flu-like symptoms). Don’t increase your dose during die-off reactions. [You can also use GI Detox (also available on Fullscript) or activated charcoal to help absorb die-off by products. Take 2 hours after taking this medication.] Titrating up slowly will prepare your body to be able to handle it when you need it. When you get to the maximum dose and can tolerate it, stop and hold onto the liquid until you actually need it. If you’re already sick, titrate up slowly per instructions. If you’re acutely sick, consult with your doctor before taking and/or if you have an acute reaction. It can also be used to shorten the duration or severity of other viruses like colds and flu.
Olivirex – olive leaf extract combo herbal antiviral supplement – available from my Fullscript Dispensary. If you’re well now, titrate up slowly per the instructions included and stop if you have any die-off (Herxheimer) reactions until they’ve passed (sudden flu-like symptoms). Don’t increase your dose during die-off reactions. [You can also use GI Detox (also available on Fullscript) or activated charcoal to help absorb die-off by products. Take 2 hours after taking this medication.] Titrating up slowly will prepare your body to be able to handle it when you need it. When you get to the maximum dose and can tolerate it, stop and hold onto the capsules until you actually need them. I’d get 2-3 bottles to store until needed. It can also be used to shorten the duration or severity of other viruses like colds and flu. If you’re already sick, titrate up slowly per instructions. If you’re acutely sick, consult with your doctor before taking and/or if you have an acute reaction.
Lauricidin – highest dosage monolaurin supplement available – antiviral, antifungal and immune supportive. If you’re well now, titrate up slowly per the instructions included and stop if you have any die-off (Herxheimer) reactions until they’ve passed (sudden flu-like symptoms). Don’t increase your dose during die-off reactions. This will prepare your body to be able to handle it when you need it. When you get to the dose of 1 scoop 3 times/day and can tolerate it, stop and hold onto it until you need it, or continue taking as an immune system support. One bottle lasts around one month. If you’re already sick, titrate up slowly per instructions. If you’re acutely sick, consult with your doctor before taking and/or if you have an acute reaction.
You can email me if you have any questions about purchasing or using these products. I’m happy to help.
If you want more help with your gut, autoimmune or other health issues, you can set up a free, 30-minute Breakthrough Session with me (Lindsey) to share what you’ve been going through and decide whether my 5-appointment gut health coaching program or a longer program for autoimmunity or weight loss is a good fit for you. Individual 1-hour consultations may be scheduled directly here.