The Perfect Stool: Understanding and Healing the Gut Microbiome – Episode 47 Show Notes

Episode 47 - Bipolar Disorder and Fecal Transplantation: A Miraculous Recovery - The Perfect Stool: Understanding and Healing the Gut Microbiome

Bipolar and Fecal Transplantation: A Miraculous Recovery

Set up a free 30-minute Gut Healing Breakthrough Session with Lindsey to discuss your gut health or mental health issues and hear about my 5-appointment health coaching program. Set up an individual, 1-hour consultation here.

Listen to Episode 47

You might know about Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT) as a gut health treatment, but did you know it has potential as a mental health treatment as well? Hear about Jane Sullivan’s miraculous experience with FMT as a treatment for her bipolar disorder, which has dramatically improved her symptoms. Also, learn about how she has used her personal experience to help others, including her two sisters, with bipolar disorder AND in healing their IBS on this episode of The Perfect Stool: Understanding and Healing the Gut Microbiome with host Lindsey Parsons, EdD.

Lindsey Parsons, your host, helps clients solve gut issues and reverse autoimmune disease naturally. She’s a Certified Health Coach at High Desert Health in Tucson, Arizona. She coaches clients locally and nationwide. You can also follow Lindsey on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest or reach her via email at to set up a free 30-minute Gut Healing Breakthrough Session.

Try Banatrol Plus, this episode’s sponsor, risk free for 30 days!

Links Mentioned in the Show

Food and Mood Centre at Deakin University. World pioneers in nutritional psychiatry conducting a clinical trial using ‘crapsules’ to treat Major Depressive Disorder (see donate link on the bottom left of the screen)

“Power of Poop” feature on SBS The Feed

Jane’s case study in the Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry

Jane’s Blog

Lucy Mailing Article on Ketogenic Diets

Lindsey’s Links

Lindsey’s quiz on which stool or functional medicine test will get to the root cause of your gut health problems

Free, 30-minute Gut Healing Breakthrough Session

Individual Consultation with Lindsey

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Lindsey’s Fullscript Dispensary

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Quiz: Which Gut Health Test Should I Choose?

Schedule a Free, 30-minute Gut Healing Breakthrough Session with Lindsey

Schedule an Individual Consultation with Lindsey

Lindsey’s Gut Healing Facebook Group

Gut Health Tests and Recommended Supplements

Gut Health Coaching with Lindsey

Autoimmune Disease Reversal Coaching with Lindsey

Health Coaching with Lindsey (for weight loss, etc.)

Lindsey Parsons’ web site: High Desert Health and

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Thank you to SoundDot for the music on the podcast: Royalty Free Music